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Јануарска Ф.И.Д.Е. рејтинг листа – 1/4/2013

Јануарски Ф.И.Д.Е рејтинг листа Официјалната јануарска Ф.И.Д.Е. рејтинг листа можете да ја прегледате на ТУКА. Ф.И.Д.Е потврди дека официјално највисок шаховски  рејтинг досега направен е од страна на норвешкиот мајстор Магнус Карлсен(Magnus Carlsen)…

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Karpos Open 2018 Regulations – 2/10/2018

1.KARPOS OPEN 2018 is traditional open chess tournament 8th in a row, for any interested chess player no mater of the rating, title or category in organization by the municipality Karpos, one of the municipalities in the capital city of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje in collaboration with Chess Club Gambit Asseco SEE 2.Schedule of the tournament will be from 24.03.2018 (Saturday) till 31.03.2018 (Saturday), as follows:
  •  March 24 (Saturday) Official Opening and beginning of first round will be at 17:00.
  •  March 25 (Sunday) 2nd round will start at 9:30 and 3rd round will start at 17:00.
  • March 26 (Monday) 4th round will start at 17:00.
  •  March 27 (Tuesday) 5th round – 17:00
  •  March 28 (Wednesday) 6th round – 17:00
  •  March 29 (Thursday) 7th round – 17:00
  • March 30 (Friday) 8th round – 17:00
  • March 31 (Saturday) 9th round – 9:30
  • March 31 (Saturday) - Closing Ceremony will be half hour after the finishing of the last round.

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GAMBIT ASSECO-SEE 2017 AMATEUR OPEN (Tournament A ELO < 2200, Tournament B ELO < 1800) is traditional open chess tournament for any interested chess player under 2200 rating, in an organisation by Chess Club Gambit Asseco SEE. Tournaments will be held at the ****Hotel Continental ,  Skopje,  Republic of Macedonia from 07.12.2017 (Thursday) till 10.12.2017 (Sunday) 3. Registration of players will be possible until 17:00 hours on 07th of December 2017. 4. The tournaments will be rated by FIDE. 5. Entry fee will be 35 EUR. For players born 1999 and younger entry fee will be 25 EUR. Organizer keeps the right to release some players from entry fee (wild card).     6. Prizes in the total amount of 6,200 EUR will be distributed as follows: OPEN Tournament A ELO< 2200   (3 600 €) a) Regular prizes:  1)1,000 EUR    2)700 EUR     3)500 EUR   4)400 EUR        5)300 EUR    6) 200 EUR    7)100 EUR   8)100 EUR    

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Open Karpos 2017 – Regulation – 2/3/2017

1. KARPOS OPEN 2017 is traditional open chess tournament  for any interested chess player no mater of the rating, title or category  in organization by the municipality Karpos, one of the municipalities in the capital city of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje in collaboration with Chess Club  Gambit Asseco SEE  ( ). 2. Schedule of the tournament will be from 01.04.2017 (Saturday) till 08.04.2017 (Saturday), as follows:  April 01 (Saturday) Official Opening will be at 16:00 and beginning of first round will be at 17:00  April 02 (Sunday) 2nd round will start at 9:30 and 3rd round will start at 17:00.  April 03 (Monday) 4th round will start at 17:00.  April 04 (Tuesday) 5th round – 17:00  April 05 (Wednesday) 6th round – 17:00  April 06 (Thursday) 7th round – 17:00  April 07 (Friday) 8th round – 17:00  April 08 (Saturday) 9th round – 9:30  April 08 (Saturday) - Closing Ceremony will be half hour after the finishing of the last round.

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Open Karpos 2017 – Regulation – 2/3/2017

1. KARPOS OPEN 2017 is traditional open chess tournament  for any interested chess player no mater of the rating, title or category  in organization by the municipality Karpos, one of the municipalities in the capital city of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje in collaboration with Chess Club  Gambit Asseco SEE  ( ). 2. Schedule of the tournament will be from 01.04.2017 (Saturday) till 08.04.2017 (Saturday), as follows:  April 01 (Saturday) Official Opening will be at 16:00 and beginning of first round will be at 17:00  April 02 (Sunday) 2nd round will start at 9:30 and 3rd round will start at 17:00.  April 03 (Monday) 4th round will start at 17:00.  April 04 (Tuesday) 5th round – 17:00  April 05 (Wednesday) 6th round – 17:00  April 06 (Thursday) 7th round – 17:00  April 07 (Friday) 8th round – 17:00  April 08 (Saturday) 9th round – 9:30  April 08 (Saturday) - Closing Ceremony will be half hour after the finishing of the last round. 3. Registration of players will be possible until 16:00 hours on 01th of April 2017.

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Во присуство на врвни шахисти, гости од целиот свет, денеска и официјално започна традиционалниот шаховски спектакл „ Опен Карпош 2015“.На петтиот по ред, грандиозен шаховски турнир, ќе се натпреваруваат околу…

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Open Karpos 2015 – 3/27/2015


1. OPEN Karpos 2015 chess tournament is traditional open chess tournament for any interested chess player no mater of the rating, title or category in organization by the municipality Karpos, one of the municipalities in the capital city of Republic of Macedonia, Skopje in collaboration with Chess Club Gambit Asseco SEE. ( ) 2. Schedule of the tournament will be from 27.03.2015 (Friday) till 03.04.2015 (Friday), as follows:
  • March 27 (Friday) Official Opening will be at 16:00 and beginning of first round will be at 17:30
  • March 28 (Saturday) 2nd round will start at 9:30 and 3rd round will start at 17:30.
  • March 29 (Sunday) 4th round – 17:30
  • March 30 (Monday) 5th round – 17:30
  • March 31 (Tuesday) 6th round – 17:30
  • April 01 (Wednesday) 7th round – 17:30
  • April 02 (Thursday) 8th round – 17:30
  • April 03 (Friday) 9th round – 9:30
  • April 03 (Friday) - Closing Ceremony will be half hour after the finishing of the last round.

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Божиќен турнир 2015 – 1/24/2015


1. Викенд шаховски турнир Карпош 2015 – Божиќен турнир, во организација на Општина Карпош и ШК Гамбит Ассеко СЕЕ, ќе се одржи на 24.01.2015, со почеток во 10.00 часот, во просториите на фабриката „Реплек“ улица „Теодосиј Гологанов“ – Долно Нерези. 2. Играчите за турнирот може да се пријават најдоцна до 24.01.2015 година до 9:30 часот. 3. Турнирот ќе се рејтингува и ќе се игра по Швајцарски систем на натпреварување во 9 кола, по правилата на ФИДЕ за забрзан шах. Се применува членот А.4 од Правилата на ФИДЕ за забрзан шах. 4. Партиите ќе се играат на 24.01.2015 (сабота) и тоа првите 5 кола со почеток во 10:00 часот, додека последните 4 кола ќе започнат со еден час пауза после завршувањето на четвртото коло.

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